Danish And O'neill

Episode 104: Total Devast8ion



Greetings, Earthlings, extra terrestrials, and whoever else may be listening out there in the universe. It's episode 104. YAY!!!! O'Neill opens the show with an interesting idea about the possibility of new merch: a D+O calendar. Then, we get into a few videos that you, our lovely listeners, sent us. After that, we discuss some hot, new TV shows that are coming out soon. Then, we stop f'in around and report some bobcat news. It's chilling. Beware of bobcats, everyone. They're dangerous. And some are rabid. We smooooothly segue into something that forced a flight to land. Listen to find out what it could be! Great tease. Then, it's a tale of romance gone wrong. Very, very wrong. After that, we head to Oregon to report a disgusting story about an overturned truck that covered a highway in sea creatures. It's tiiiiiiime for the main event of the podcast: the story of a man with who has what could possibly be the worst tattoo ever. Then, we stumble upon something that we thought we'd never encou