Open Collar

109. It's Good to be Back



Welcome back to Open Collar, your favorite podcast for all things pop culture and entertainment! Cory and Steve are back from their summer break, and they've got a lot to catch up on. In this exciting episode, they dive headfirst into the hottest topics in Hollywood and beyond. First up, the dynamic duo delves deep into the Jimmy Fallon scandal that has been making headlines. Join them as they dissect the controversy, separate fact from fiction, and explore the implications of such high-profile scandals in the entertainment industry. But that's not all! Cory and Steve tackle the burning question on everyone's minds: Is there really truth to superhero movie fatigue? As the genre continues to dominate the box office, our hosts examine whether audiences are getting tired of caped crusaders and spandex-clad heroes. And speaking of industry shake-ups, they take a close look at the Hollywood actor and writer's strike. With talent demanding better pay and working conditions, the future of the enter