Satellite Sisters

Katie Couric's Breast Cancer, Kidults Buying Toys, Giselle Bundchen on #witchtok



Three good sources of health information about breast cancer, circadian medicine and nutrition plus trends, entertainment tips and the latest viral rumor about Giselle Bundchen from #witchtok. Plus good news about Lian Dolan finishing her latest novel. This week she hits the road for Lost & Found In Paris. Sign up for our weekly newsletter PEP TALK here. Go the the Satellite Sisters website here SHOP the Satellite Sisters Shop here. Subscribe to the Satellite Sisters You Tube Channel here. Health Information: Katie Couric's podcast episode about Breast Cancer The Sunday Read podcast from The New York Times' The Daily about Circadian Medicine Nutrition Diva Podcast by Monica Reinagel Trends: Car Paint Colors: Is Matte Finish for you? Gen Z Watching TV with Captions On Kidults: Adults Buying Toys Viral Rumor: Giselle Bunchen is a witch #witchtok Liz announces Cooking with Liz: The Soup Edition for Saturday October 29 at noon PT LIVE on the Satellite Sisters You Tube Channel. Subscribe! Thank you to our spo