Rotten Potatoes

Rotten Potatoes - Summer Pop Culture Round(Up)Table



After taking the month of August off, the boys re-convene with summer in their rearview. In a special episode, they do a quick run-down of everything that was, and possibly will be, important about popular culture in the summer of 2013. For instance, a lot of young celebrities and professional football players demonstrate bad behavior. Music seems to be dominated by just one song, "Blurred Lines," all because of a good YouTube video. The summer box office is full of big-budget action movies that were okay in quality, but the public is nostalgic for the good 'ol days. And in television, the things that take themselves the least seriously ("The Bachelorette," "Sharknado") are the most popular events. What a unique, unbelievable summer! Also, the boys bet on 'Boy Meets World' episodes to see who hosts next episode...naked.