Real Leaders

#16 -- Erin Carson, A Gym GM and Owner Who is Building Careers and Community



Erin Carson has worked as a fitness professional at RallySport Health & Fitness in Boulder, Colorado, since the very start of her career. After decades of commitment to this community-centric fitness club -- located in the heart of one of the fittest cities in the world -- Erin had the opportunity to buy the club. Erin did this in partnership with an ownership group who had been acquainted with her through her work at Rally, her successful triathlon career, and her terrific years on the University of Colorado women's basketball team. There are so many notable differences at Rally Sport, and Erin is at the forefront of all of them. Most importantly, Erin has always believed in cultivating personal trainers who are committed to the craft as a career. She grows both the training business at Rally (Rally Sport is at the top of health clubs globally in many business metrics associated with member engagement) and the trainers personally. She has set national benchmarks for retention of trainers and average salarie