Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

Awakening Your Non-Self; Clement Decrop



Clément Decrop is a versatile inventor and author who can help you with mindfulness and with awakening your non-self. Clément is originally from Belgium and moved to the United States at a young age. After earning a Mechanical Engineering degree from Penn State, he embarked on a global career journey, spanning countries like France, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, and the U.S. In his book, “The Idea Space: The Science of Awakening Your Non-Self,” Clément presents a revolutionary solution to Einstein's field equation, offering a layperson-friendly exploration of consciousness. He guides readers to objectively examine their thoughts, facilitating a happier existence and a deeper grasp of life's purpose. Since 2018, Clément has served as a Global Educator, sharing wisdom on meditation, sleep, exercise, and nutrition across 40 countries. His innovative spirit shines through collaborations with prolific inventors, resulting in numerous patents. Beyond his professional pursuits, he enjoys reading, experimental coo