Broads And Books

12: Simply the Best



We're broads, and we like books. Sometimes better than the movie. And sometimes, we like the movie better. We're crazy that way. So this week we're looking at books better than the movie, and for our pop culture picks, movies/shows better than the books. Along the way, we dissect the worst of movie annoyances, our favorite Batmans, and a bunch of other delightful nonsense. ------Fiction:Amy: The Color Purple, Alice WalkerErin:  This is Where I Leave You, Jonathan TropperOther Books:Amy: Watchmen, Alan Moore (Graphic Novel)Erin: Jarhead, Anthony Swofford (Memoir)Pop Culture:Amy: Game of Thrones (TV)Erin: Molly's Game (Movie)___________Like what you hear? Subscribe to Broads and Books wherever you get your podcasts. And hey -- be a pal. Give us a rating and review while you're there! Plus: Send us your ideas and challenges, and you could be featured on a future episode!  Broads and Books is a book podcast, a funny podcast, and a feminist podcast. And you'll find we're one of t