Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Katie Brinkley, Balancing Connection: Using Social Media for a Fulfilling Offline Life, Episode 317



Today I am thrilled to introduce you to one of our Extraordinary Women Ignite speakers, Katie Brinkley. She will be bringing her wisdom to Ignite with her talk, "Post Less on Social Media for More Business." I don't know about you, but that kind of lights up my heart! From building corporate-level growth strategies for AT&T and DirecTV to implementing done-for-you social media for solopreneurs and local businesses, Katie has been at the forefront of the changes in how buyers engage on social media. Katie's approach is all about results. She's got these platform-agnostic strategies that work like magic at every step of the sales process for her clients.   In This Episode: Explore Katie's remarkable journey from diverse career experiences to founding a thriving social media agency. You can discover how she transformed her passion for social media into a flourishing business venture. She shares valuable insights into using social media as a means of connection, all while preserving a fulfilling offline