American Family Farmer

9/14/23 - The History Of Farming, A Gift From The Rockefellers



Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan introduces us to Phillip Ranney, of Billings Farms & Museum. Owned and operated by The Woodstock Foundation, Inc., a non-profit educational institution founded by Laurance and Mary Rockefeller in 1968, Billings Farm & Museum was established in 1983 to preserve the historic Billings Farm as well as the character and heritage of rural Vermont. Billings Farm offers diverse, interactive programs that focus on rural life, work, and land stewardship as reflected in the traditions and values of 19th century farm families. The Foundation also owns the Woodstock Inn & Resort, a wholly-owned, for-profit subsidiary.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at