Mythic Radio Podcast (paranormal, Talk)

345: Gnomes, Trolls & Duendes



One of my favorite unexplained subjects is Fae Folk, and for many people, the topic conjures up thoughts of friendly forest elves that act as guardians to the natural world. Growing up, even my grandparents had books that spoke of these illusive beings. And although I, and my grandparents never fully believed that Fae Folk were in fact real entities, I was taught to respect them all the same, as well as the lore that surrounded them. Maybe it was my grandparent's way of teaching me to respect the woods, and all of the animals that reside within, or maybe it was actually something more.It may sound strange, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve started believing in the possibility that these creatures could be real. Maybe they don’t reside in our world as we know it, but perhaps they live alongside us, dwelling in an alternate reality or dimension, and stepping into our consciousness at opportune moments. This of course is just a theory, and I can’t say with 100% certainty that I believe in The Fae, but I want to.The