Grace & Grit Podcast: Helping Women Everywhere Live Happier, Healthier And More Fit Lives

Episode 343: Midlife Transitions: Navigating the space in between.



In the realm of midlife, we encounter a myriad of transitions. These shifts encompass changes in careers, relationships, living environments, and even our own biology. They present the midlife woman with a unique opportunity to engage in a powerful dance with transformation. In this captivating episode of the Grace & Grit podcast, we unravel the profound potential concealed within the liminal space of midlife. More than just acknowledging its existence, we equip our listeners with invaluable strategies to navigate this “inbetween” phase with finesse and grace. During this episode, you can expect to discover: The universal experiences that accompany the winds of change in midlife. The empowering choice to actively shape your purpose rather than passively waiting for it to discover you. The revelation that sometimes we may unwittingly divert our focus towards our bodies, masking the real issues at hand. A treasure trove of practical steps to fortify your resilience and embrace the transformative journey wi