The Cam Roberts Business Marketing Podcast

Ep: 60 The Top 7 Sales Tools For Building Influence And Authority



#OnDeckWithCoachCameron – Podcast Show: Ep: 60 The Top 7 Sales Tools for Building Influence and Authority by Cameron Roberts – 31.07min Podcast. Discover the exact NEW ECONOMY sales tools you must use in your business to avoid the old school ways of selling – no more “hard sales techniques”, “closing” or “pitching” required. Instead, have potential buyers ask you for the sale. Instantly influence your target market and build an affinity with your prospects using these 7 Top Sales Tools for Building Influence and Authority. These Top 7 Sales Tools will position you above your competitors… and should be used by Small Business Owners, Solo Entrepreneurs, Micro Businesses and Sales People! Frustrated with your current sales, marketing and business results? Do you feel like you are ready to step up to the next level and FAST TRACK your business? Stop wasting time, money and energy trying to figure it all out on your own without seeing some success over the next 6 to 12 months – Click here now I might be able to he