The Cam Roberts Business Marketing Podcast

Ep: 36 Social Media Marketing



#OnDeckWithCoachCameron – Podcast Show: Ep:36 Social Media Marketing Strategies – Coach Cameron Roberts reveals How to Grow Your Brand using Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ and YouTube – 21min Podcast. Coach Cameron Roberts reveals the exact steps to use as a small business owner or entrepreneur to increase your brand, get more fans, followers and likes in the digital age with Social Media. He talks about the differences between each social media platform and the biggest mistakes to avoid when using them. Listen to this podcast to discover how to turn people from prospects to customers and from customers to clients and from clients to raving fans with Social Media Marketing Strategies. Frustrated with your current sales, marketing and business results? Do you feel like you are ready to step up to the next level and FAST TRACK your business? Stop wasting time, money and energy trying to figure it all out on your own without seeing some success over the next 6 to 12 months – Click here now I might be able