Doctor Thyroid

Nerve Protection during Thyroid Ablation: An Interview with Dr. Catherine Sinclair



September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Important, surgery isn’t always necessary for treating thyroid cancer. In fact: as many as one in three people have thyroid cancer and do not die from it, rather, with it.    A recent interview from the TNT conference on thyroid ablation in Italy, Philip James of the Doctor Thyroid and RFAMD podcasts had a one-on-one discussion with Dr. Catherine Sinclair, a seasoned head and neck surgeon from Melbourne, Australia. Having served at Mount Sinai in New York for 11 years before relocating back to Melbourne in 2021, Dr. Sinclair offers a unique perspective and extensive expertise in thyroid surgery and laryngology. The Importance of Nerve Protection As a specialist who’s invested in both head and neck surgery and the voice box, Dr. Sinclair developed a keen interest in thyroid surgery due to the significant risks it presents to the vocal nerves during thyroid procedures, including during ablation. The laryngeal nerves, in particular, tend to be the patients’ greatest concern