Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Speaking Love When You Compromise Your Foundation - #360



While editing the podcast interview for today I made a BIG mistake - I let myself take away a piece of my foundation to help me get ahead. My mom brought up how they were going to do family prayer, and she asked if I wanted to join. After I said "no" I realized that I had done something foolish, but still I persisted.Ended up making a mistake in the edit that only added to my aggravation (not to mention the work I'd need to put in to fix it) but I did not let it get out of hand beyond that.Instead I went and playing some basketball and ran those negative emotions out of my system. Now I feel better, and I have learned an important lesson - Do NOT compromise your foundation by trying to take away a piece of it to get ahead, and do NOT miss another family prayer EVER. Haha this was a hard lesson to learn but I am glad I learned it.I also started writing my Flecks of Gold Newsletter Daily so if you're interested in that here's a link: https://flecksofgold.substack.com/All in all I am gla