Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Personal Sacrifices to Unlock Your Next Version - #359



To get to the next version of your life it is going to take some sacrifices. I learned this when I was becoming a runner on my track team in high school. I had to sacrifice some time with friends and staying up late so I could stay on the path and keep improving.The last month or so I've felt God really pushing me to make some important decisions in my life. A week ago I chose to never make another video game content-related video and last night I decided to finish up writing on my Medium account on Sept. 21.These sacrifices are NOT easy for me to make in the moment. It is easier to keep them going than to let them go. I feel this is important for me to do so my next version can come forward. This is another very me-centric episode but it is what I felt like needed to be shared. I will actually get that interview I was hoping to on Thursday. If you are getting the feeling to let something go or to pick something back up trust God and share with him your feelings. Talk with Him about your goals and ambiti