Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Changing Gears and Choosing Joy - #286



Living at home again has taught me a number of things about myself. For one thing, it has reminded me that I need to keep on changing things up, and letting myself iterate. Doing this has led to me improving my overall output of the podcast. Lately it's also led to plenty of other benefits. Feeling more flexible overall with growing the show has been just one. I'm choosing to get more done in less time by only working on YIELD Today stuff on Monday and Tuesday. There will still be 3 episodes a week for the time being (I need to get the other 4 cross country trip episodes out still) but I am making more time for other projects (like my newer, more faith-based, podcast, Flecks of Gold)Seeing as I am not getting any of this time back I thought this would be a good move, and I apologize for not having another interview out this week. I'll have another one out next week for sure though. Thank you for sharing the episodes and helping the podcast grow! We're very close to 10k downloads and I want