Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

When You Fall Short ft. James and Josh - Bros. Discussion - #282



I fell short today. I had an interview mostly edited but fell off of the tracks and didn't get it up in time. I'm fascinated with our ability to rewrite our stories and I got the idea to do a group discussion episode on this topic! This is the first episode of its kind. It's not an interview or just a basic Dallin Quick Thoughts episode. With this you get multiple viewpoints and we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed recording it! :) Here's a few notes we dug up while excavating the cave of this episode:1. Giving yourself some grace for what happened/didn't happen is very powerful 2. How you talk to yourself in these moments helps you reroute your path 3. Little practices can REALLY help ground you when this happens PS: This was recorded in Josh's car from my phone as he drove us back from a church activity.  Josh isn't our brother by blood but he's a bro and has helped us out for sure. This was super off the cuff but we hope it's helpful :)Related Episodes:#81