Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Two Birds, One Stone - CC Trip 2/7 - #281



I'm adamant about thinking through what is happening and not happening in life, and then designing workarounds. The two-birds-one-stone framework is a good one to help with making progress in multiple areas of your life at the same time. For one thing, I am doing this by driving through Utah and making a podcast episode. Here's a few notes I dug up while doing this episode (because that's what it be like sometimes):1. It generally is the "BEST" stuff that is in the two-birds or more at once tier2. It's usually by design that all of these two-birds-one stone things happen 3. Sometimes you need to change up what you're doing because the stone needs work4. Fulfilling breaks help you enjoy what you're doing and help your brain switch gears5. Consider stones that have worked well in your life beforePS: This was recorded in my car, so the sound quality is a bit lacking. At the time I was driving through Utah to get to the mountains of Colorado, before stopping in New Mexico f