Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

It's All About Your Life's Slope! - CC Trip 1/7 - #278



On Friday, January 20, 2023 at around 9:30 AM in the morning my brother James and I left Utah in search of a new life. Utah has been good, but I've been feeling the call to move to Florida, and that's exactly what I'm doing now.I've been long fascinated with the topic of habits, and how just a little bit of progress adds up and compounds over time. Shared this message today in the light of a talk I heard in church a while ago that has inspired me on this topic. Consider this as a bit of a bonus episode of sorts. Idea came to mind and I figured I'd run with it. Hope it is helpful, and more interviews are coming soon. In any case I hope this episode is of some benefit to you. :)PS: This was recorded in my car, so the sound quality is a bit lacking. At the time I was driving through Utah to get to the mountains of Colorado, before stopping in New Mexico for the night. CC stands for (cross country). This is the first of seven episodes that I recorded while on this trip. :DRelated Episodes