Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Tarzan II, Pokemon, and Not Buying Old Cheerios - #262



In watching Tarzan II tonight (yep, peak place to gain inspiration haha) I was struck by Tarzan's search of trying to find out who he is. Although I know who I am as a human being and as a son of God I still am trying to figure out better who I actually am and what I actually bring to the table of humanity.This question came out of that pondering so I figured that I would dive a bit deeper into it. I know this isn't really what I was planning to post today but even still I hope it is helpful in some way. This certainly is a process that can take a lifetime or longer.Some things I talked About:Why I'm not playing any of the new Pokemon games coming outWatching Skillshare as opposed to YouTube more in 2023My room being a complete pigsty right now.The bigger cereal bowl analogy and old CheeriosReinforcing pieces of desired identities (and not reinforcing others)Resources Mentioned:"Where Will This Lead?" - https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2019/04/35oaks?lang=e