Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Quick Thoughts From 3 Years of Podcasting - The Need For Basics, Focus, and Patience - #228



The podcast have been live for 3 years now! That's over 1,000 days! I am super grateful for the journey that this podcast has provided for me and hope it has been helpful for you.As can be expected I have plenty of thoughts here at the conclusion of another full year of being a podcaster. Overall though I feel a great need to go back to the basics and keep my ambition and curiosity more in check. Here's 3 Quick Thoughts That Help Sum Things Up:1. I have lots of ambitious projects and ideas I'd like to try but I need to hold myself back and stick to the basics for now.2. I plan to still do two episodes a week as I do still enjoy recording the podcast a lot and feel it helps me a lot! My main goal for the immediate future is to get back to a sense of equilibrium so I can work more on other stuff but still make some time for the podcast (without feeling the need to drown myself endlessly in it).3. I am immensely thankful for the journey the podcast has taken me on. I know there's lots of good