Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Taking a 1-Month Step Back - Realigning the Podcast - #227



It is beyond joyful to start something that has promise and is likely to provide growth and movement in your life. It is frustrating though when we lose vision of it or it does not seem to go as we planned. Initially we believe the highs will be enough, but what will carry us through the lows? The why. The why of this podcast has been kind of fuzzy from time to time, and it's gotten to a point where I really would like to dive into it. I believe what I am doing with the podcast is not in line with what I initially hope for it, and that is painful to me. I'll be taking this next month off (until the 24th of August) to see what can be done and what the next steps should be for the podcast. Thank you as always for your support and for understanding.Support the show