Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Learn From the Space You Are On - Dallin's Quick Thoughts - #225



I am visiting Rexburg right now. It's been neat to reconnect with some people and make some new memories. Tonight I played some Mario Party 3 with my friends, Christian and Noel. I got in third (Noel got in first), but it all made me think about learning from each space of life and making the most of each turn (or day, week, month) to help us get where we want to be.We all move around in life, and sometimes we may end up on a space we REALLY don't want to be on. That's okay though. We learn from the space, take advantage of the things that happen in between each day, and we learn, learn learn! There are times we can choose what space we would like to land on, and other times it's more out of our control. Always though we can choose to have a positive attitude about things.This episode came from my phone so it probably isn't super great but I thought it was worth sharing.Support the show