Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

The Tides Are Shifting... - #218



Being in Alaska was super neat! I loved being able to help out the youth there and learn from their perspectives and stories.Today I was editing an episode and honestly I am tired of editing episodes. I know how petty this sounds. There are moments where it's great but it is so time consuming. I tend to be a little nitpicky and make sure each episode sounds good and stuff before I send it out there.Anyways yeah I am feeling like the tides are shifting. Perhaps my time running the YIELD Today podcast is coming to a close. Perhaps I will be able to find someone to continue its valiant work... I don't know. All I do know is that I trusted God when it came to starting the podcast and I need to trust Him as well if He needs me to finish it. I always intended this to be a longer-term project but if God says I have learned as much as I need to from it than I won't argue with him.I'll keep you all in the loop on this. For now I'll keep episodes coming at the normal rate (twice a week) but yea