Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Beautiful Birthday Thoughts - Trusting, Learning, and Loving - #212



Here are some of my thoughts here on my birthday. I honestly struggled a lot with various storms that came up. In the moment at times I let my lack of love for myself to spill into running around like a chicken with my head cut off. This lack of focus of course led to more lack in life... and in some tough moments it led me to think that I was the problem. Those storms were all temporary, but the damage from them has carried forward to each new storm I have been in since. Recognizing this though has been quite healing and transformational.In pondering and digging though I have realized anew that I am enough and I will never find any reasons for why I am not enough. Drawing conclusions that I am not based on social media posts or things of that nature (like focusing on the things I haven't done yet) is tempting at times... but it is always a lie.Lots of pains, struggles, and other things learned. I am so much stronger after all of it though. I chose to turn to God and He has lifted me up again and I am de