Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

3 of My Best Thoughts After 3 Cold Plunges - #207



Over the last 12 days or so I have done 3 cold plunges by Provo Canyon! It was awesome how I got into these, and the thoughts I've had from them have been super useful too!1. Acceptance - Being able to accept the state you are in when it is needed is a superpower.2. Day Starters - Starting your day off with something you enjoy is huge.3. Mind vs. Body - The body is stronger than the mind will ever give it credit for.Podcast YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEnSRg9lbF5NEjJsWMBbYMgMedium Article:https://medium.com/@DallinsYield/3-of-my-best-thoughts-after-3-polar-plunges-c55cf9d759b0May 16, 2023 Edit: I changed the title from "Polar Plunge" to "Cold Plunge" recently after realizing that cold plunge fits the title of what I was actually doing better. It was cold, yes, but we weren't going into like sub-zero water temperatures!Support the show