Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Nearly 1 Month After College! - The Glory Days, Reaping What You Sow, and Value of Relationships - #202



I graduated from college nearly a month ago! I have had TONS of time to reflect and dig out some various gems and lessons for the next chapter of my life. Here are the three big ones that are my mind right now.1. Those Were The Glory Days - I didn't realize it as much as I do now... but those days in college were the glory days! Even in the rough times there were still plenty of glorious moments and times.Towards the end of the experience I feel I more or less grinded the last days away. Now I am in a brand new chapter of glory days, and I am thankful for all the pain and agony I have felt as it has given me perspective for the bright moments and opportunities yet ahead.2. You Reap What You Sow - Of everything that I did and didn't do in college I am seeing all of the good and not so good fruits of it now. There is no way to escape this eternal law. Peace and plenty in the good times is often preceded by tons of work and enjoying the journey in the not as chill times. 3. Value of Relationships - I f