Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Lessons From INFERNO Week (Marketing Names, Self-Care, and Time-Value) - #196



Two weeks ago I challenged myself to get the rest of my college work done in a week. I had myself wake up early, exercised, and pretty much just did whatever I needed to do. I didn't make any excuses. It was a little crazy... and I did end up crashing a few days in. Overall it was a great learning experience though. Here's what I learned:1. The power of marketing - 1:312. There's no going back for more self-care - when the time for performance has come the time for preparation has ended.3. A week is a solid amount of time to get things done. - Try to get two weeks of work done in a week... and you do that over and over again... you're set (similar to recording podcast episodes in advance."It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson MandelaSupport the show