Conversations With Calcaterra

EP76 – James Brown (Musician) – Conversations with Calcaterra



“It was just my heart was just going like, like 180 or something. It was just that, yeah, just crazy. But then kind of got used to it. You don't get as nervous anymore. Now it's just second nature.“ -James Brown describing the experience of first playing with Geoff Tate on Conversations with Calcaterra “We're not in it for the glory. We're just in it to make sure everything just sounds perfect. And just so we put on a good show or whatever.” – James Brown describing the role of members of Geoff Tate’s band on Conversations with Calcaterra “It's the power of music, I guess. And for me, just to even be playing in America and just being here, this is just me just living my dream and this is just me just being who I am, and who I think I'm supposed to be. That's cool.” – James Brown on Conversations with Calcaterra Who are the musicians who back a known singer? James Brown is a young gunslinger who plays in Geoff Tate’s (Queensryche) international band and he loves every moment of the journey. Is it the