Trail Correspondents

S4 Episode #13 | Last Week On Trail



Welcome back to Trail Correspondents! I am your host moron and this is episode 13 all about the last week on trail. There are a lot of complex, possibly mutually exclusive and contradicting feelings that can arise on the last week of trail. You’ve found a groove, have your gear and resupply system fine tuned and have all of the intellectual, emotional and physical momentum you could need to reach your destination. But then, there you are at the sign or monument signifying your journey’s conclusion.  While the contents of each day on trail are usually unknown at the outset and are filled in by the the whims of fate as you make your daily mileage, as you approach nearer and nearer to what you’ve been chasing for so many weeks and months, it’s hard to grasp what the end of the experience will mean for the near future.  There’s no doubt that the end of a journey like a long-trail is a hard pill to swallow and it’s uniquely individualized for each person.  Send us your questions about anything and everything here: