Golf Smarter

What Gets Measured, Gets Improved. It's As Simple As That! featuring Golf & Business Coach, Dr. Greta Anderson



909: Dr. Greta Anderson is more than an effective golf instructor, she’s also a business consultant who understands the importance of using golf as a way to build and sustain important relationships. She started out as a competitive tennis player, but then discovered golf. She went through several instructors, most who didn’t help much because they weren’t very encouraging or empathetic. But then she found a teacher who worked hard to understand her. That’s the kind of teacher she has become maximizing your skills and building your confidence. She also hosts her own podcast called “The Smart Golfer”. Dr. Greta has a PhD in Higher Education Research and works with the LPGA on developing their curriculum. Learn more at or follow her on social media at DrGretaGolf. This week Golf Smarter Mulligans episode #225, instructor Chris Fry helps us to turn 3 shots into 2 with our short game in an episode called “Learning The Perfect Pitch Shot Leads To More Gimmes”. This episode was originally pu