Golf Smarter

President Ford Collapsed In My Arms on the Golf Course! And more Caddy Stories from JJ Resnick



785: JJ Resnick’s best friend was urging him to come to play golf at College of the Desert, then tragically lost his life. Grieving, and being a typically confused 20 yr old with no direction in life, JJ left Oregon for Palm Desert and after meeting the coach, Tony Manzoni his life changed forever. Today JJ is a successful businessman with amazing stories that include golf, billionaires, and Presidents. In this episode JJ sits down with host Fred Greene to share his emotional memories. Make sure to check out our blog post from this episode at to see photos of JJ with President Ford, Arnold Palmer, Freddy Couples, and Oscar de la Hoya!Now after hearing wonderful stories about Tony from JJ, don't miss Golf Smarter Mulligans #101 this week as it's our our fourth of nine episodes featuring the late, great instructor Tony Manzoni. We continue our conversation about Getting To The Next Level, One Club at a Time. Mulligans is published each Friday to help with your weekend round.Tony’s book “The Lost