Golf Smarter

The Science of Rethinking, Relearning, & Revamping Your Golf Swing with James Ragonnet, PhD



782: James Ragonnet, PhD, has a compelling new book called Your Inner Golf Guru: Developing the Golf Instructor Within, which contends that to improve your golf swing you need to take a systemic vs analytical approach. The Systemic method means that the golf swing is a sum of all its parts that need to work in cooperation. Breaking down those parts, the Analytical approach, is taking all the nuanced elements, similar to getting one tip from YouTube, another from a magazine, then adding something else from a buddy, is counter productive and could do more harm than good. James originally joined us in 2007 to discuss his book “Golf’s Three Noble Truths”. That episode can be heard on Golf Smarter Mulligans, episode 30. Both of these books are available on Amazon at and