Golf Smarter

Imagine How Being 1% Better Each Round Could Turn Your Doubt Inside Out featuring Cary Valentine



776: Cary Valentine usually joins us to share interviews he’s done while the PGA Tour is in Hawaii, but because of COVID restrictions, he couldn’t get on the courses, even as a volunteer. So this year, we get an hour with Cary talking about his expertise: improving our mental game. In this conversation we discuss transforming your doubts, fears, & anxiety into success, confidence & fulfillment on the golf course. Cary is offering Golf Smarter listeners a free mini video course called "Transforming your golf doubts, fears, and anxieties to quickly achieve more success, confidence, and fulfillment". To take advantage of his offer, send him your request via email with the subject "golfsmarter" to This week on Golf Smarter Mulligans episode 92, we bring back a conversation with one of the world’s expert on golf swing tempo, John Novasel. While many golf instructors pound into each student the importance of position, grip, and alignment, they don't talk much about tempo. Th