Golf Smarter

Your Instincts Will Never Let You Putt Too Far with Henrik Jentsch



655: Henrik Jentsch is a disciple of Geoff Mangum, is a certified Putting Zone instructor, and has been a Golf Smarter listener for more than a decade. “I’m able to pass along the information I get from your instructors to my students!”  He followed the weekly request to reach out to our host by suggesting another interview subject. But Fred quickly realized that Henrik had a lot of valuable information to provide and was invited to be on the show from Germany.  He provides a lot of great information on calibrating a green for your stroke and a couple of helpful drills.WIN! WIN! WIN!! Congratulations to Alan G of Venice, FL. Alan has won the leather cover and 5-pack courtesy of Ray Campbell  of that we heard about last episode. You can secure one of these very cool packages for yourself at a significant discount. Instead of the usual $99, you can get the Leather Cover and 5-Pack of Golf Steady v2.0 for only $64.95 with coupon code “golfsmarter”. Each week through the end of 2018, we’re giving a