Golf Smarter

579 Premium: A Renegade Approach to Improving Your Mental and Emotional Skills for Lower Golf Scores



579 Premium:Stephen Ladd is recognized as one of the top Golf Performance Coaches in the nation. He specializes in golf fitness, nutrition and mental game strategies. He founded Renegade Golf in 1994, a full decade before “golf fitness” became a buzz word. He teaches thousands of golfers of all levels from over 47 countries via the Internet and his books, videos and audio program how to train their bodies and brains for peak performance.  Stephen has taken a rather unorthodox path in terms of education and accumulation of knowledge, combining traditional academic environments, mentorships, and self-described “journeys”. As an undergraduate student, he studied exercise physiology, psychology, and philosophy. After graduating summa cum laude from Miami University, he continued his graduate work in East-West Psychology and Comparative Religion at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco from 1991-1993.We’d like to give you a free copy of Fred Shoemaker’s “Extraordinary Golf - The Secret to T