Golf Smarter

551 Premium: Eliminate Vacation Stress and Hassles by Using Golf Overnight



551: Golf Overnight is not only a great service to have your golf clubs waiting for you instead of you waiting…and waiting…and waiting for your clubs at the airport, they’re also offering a 20% discount to Golf Smarter listeners with the Promo Code “gsmart”. Our guest this week is Aaron Foster from Golf Overnight who explains how the service works, the advantages, and the costs.To take advantage of their offer, click on the ad at the bottom of the page at and use the promo code “gsmart”.  We’re also really happy to announce that Golf Overnight is our newest sponsor! Please try them out on your next golf trip to see how much value you gain when you eliminate the hassle of dragging around your clubs.    WIN! WIN! WIN! Golf Smarter has teamed up with Dean Knuth of to give away a High Heat 3Wood. Deadline to enter is Midnight Sunday, August 14, 2016 at The winner will be announced on episode 553. Knuth Golf has extended their exclusive discount for the Golf S