Golf Smarter

517 Premium: Club Up or Come Up Short! with Game Golf CEO, John McGuire



517: John McGuire, CEO of Game Golf returns to introduce us to their newest product, Game Golf Live. Unlike the Classic model, LIVE allows you to track your shots, and view the hole via GPS on your smartphone while you’re playing. They even have a new tracking system for Android users that doesn’t require wearing a unit on your belt. We also discuss what has been learned from the data collected, which PGA Tour players are using Game Golf, and since we’re live on BLAB, answers questions from our audience. Game Golf is offering Golf Smarter listeners an exclusive free gift with the purchase of a new Game Golf Live. Use the checkout code “fredgreene” and get the $99 Android tags FREE! Android phones use an NFC chip that isn’t available on iPhones. These Game Golf tags can be used as a second set with Game Golf Live or stand alone with an Android phone. Just tap your Android phone before each shot and gather all the same data as you would with the belt clip unit. This exclusive discount expires January 5, 2016. C