Golf Smarter

504 Premium: The Mindful Golfer - How to Lower Your Handicap While Raising Your Consciousness



504: Mindfulness seems to be talked about a lot these days, but in golf, it's been a basic idea for improving your mental/emotional game from the beginning. Stephen Altschuler, author of "The Mindful Golfer - How to Lower Your Handicap While Raising Your Consciousness" addresses the Four Noble Truths taught in the Buddhist practice, but how it relates to improving your game.  Stephen's book is available on AmazonThis episode is brought to you by For the best shave of your life, go to and use the checkout code "golfsmarter" (has to be one word) for $5 off your first purchase.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at