
1 Thessalonians VI: Keep Walking



1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 October 18, 2017 Main Idea: Christ calls you to do more than stand - Walk! 1. Describe the metaphor of the road of holiness. What is holiness? What does it mean to be on this road? What empowers us to be on this road?  2. What is the different between holiness and moralism?  3. How does sexual purity affect our relationships with others?  4. How is a life of self-control freedom and a life lived in lustful passion slavery?  5. Do you see yourself as one who needs to pray for the hunger for holiness? Do you see yourself as the one who feels hopeless on this road? How does verse 8 speak to these needs?  6. Reflect on this quote: "The gospel is not primarily about what you need to do, but about what God has done."