
Follow II: The Soils



Mark 4:1-20 July 29, 2017 Main Idea: Who Will You Follow? 1. Why does Jesus teach in parables (stories) like this one? 2. Who is the sower? Why is the picture of a sower a good metaphor for what Jesus is doing? 3. What does the seed represent? Why is the seed a good metaphor for the gospel? How has the gospel been like “seed” in your own life? 4. Let’s review: What are the four different soils? What happens in each of these soils? 5. What is probably going through each of these people’s (soils) minds and heart? 6. What are some things that would cause this situation to happen in our own lives? 7. What kind of soil is your heart right now? Do you see any of these tendencies in yourself? 8. What are some of the birds, rocks, or thorns in your life that threaten to keep the gospel from taking root in your heart? Who have you told? What is our responsibility to each other when we share these with each other? 9. Have you heard and understood the gospel for yourself? What is your response? 10. Where are you at in