Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Darla LeDoux, Unlocking Your Inner Magic: Transforming Lives and Shifting Energy Fields, Episode 318



I love the soulful side of the business and today you're in for a treat as we dive deep into 'Sourced Magic' in your business and life with my friend incredible Darla LaDeux. A chemical engineer turned intuitive guide, she is masterful at turning intangible concepts into practical ideas that make a difference. She teaches clients how to alchemize old stuck energy patterns to create quantum leap-type financial results in their businesses and in their clients’ lives. Shift the energy field and transform the experience of life!   In This Episode: Darla shares her incredible evolution from a chemical engineer to a soulful transformation advocate Discover the game-changing impact of truth and vulnerability in your interactions Explore the significance of alignment and intuition in your life's journey Get introduced to the fascinating concept of "sourced magic" – your unique intuitive abilities Learn how sourced magic empowers you to serve others and align with your true self authentically Embrace