
PlanningxChange 109: Doug Tallamy - Home Grown National Park - native species over lawn



In PX109, our interview guest is Professor Douglas (Doug) Tallamy, the author of many nature books and co - founder along with Michelle Alfandari of Homegrown National Park ( Homegrown National Parks is a grassroots call - to - action to regenerate biodiversity and ecosystem function by planting native plants and creating new ecological networks. The group encourages homeowners and landowners to substitute native species for traditional garden approaches to encourage biodiversity. There are many resources to help people with the transition on their website. Doug is an American entomologist, ecologist and conservationist. He is a professor in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware. Doug advocates for home gardens and landscaping that bridge the gaps between parks and preserves in providing habitat for native species. He has spoken on the connections between plants and insects and how those relations are important to birds. He has calle