

The Myth of Believing and the Secret to Achieving. This is somewhat provocative and maybe even a little shocking for some of you. Particularly if you are immersed in the self-help, in spiritual agility, and the whole field of changing our thoughts and our beliefs in order to create the life of our dreams. You see, while there is truth-the power of your thoughts. The importance of mindset. These are all very, very important elements. But in fact, it’s become in a way a disease where the idea that we have to feel it, to do it, to believe it. We have to believe it to achieve it. We have to feel confident to do it. It has created in many individuals this waiting period. We are not going for our life. We are not living our life. We are not doing the thing we most want to do in creating and being because we are waiting. We are waiting to believe it. We are waiting to feel it. We are waiting to have the confidence. We are waiting for it not be scary and we checking in, with our beliefs. I'm I there yet? We are conte