

The End Of Self-Sabotage In today's episode, we discuss what's called "self-sabotage" and more specifically, the end of self-sabotage as you know it! In some respects, whenever we say something like, "I'm sabotaging myself", is a bit of a trick of the ego... You know when you find yourself using really dramatic phrases about how you’re feeling or acting, like, “I really wanted to do that thing, but I just felt paralyzed with fear?” Or how about, “ I don’t have the time.” “I don’t have the support.” “I don’t have the ability.” “I don’t have the money.”“Who am I to do this?” “What if it fails?” Aside from these types of descriptions being inaccurate or irrelevant, when we use those kinds of words we live into it. It becomes part of a pattern that our mind believes. However, the self can actually never sabotage itself. The Divine can never contradict it's own nature - it is One, it is whole, love, good, and it's only impulse and activity is to express more and more of it's infinite self. So, there's no such thi