

Why Life is Set Up to Fail You Some people think that life is largely against us, that life is the roll of the dice. As Einstein said, “The dice of God are always loaded.” It means that life doesn’t just happen, but life happens just. There is order. There is a certain pattern and lawfulness to life. Chaos theory says if you step back far enough from what appears to be random chaos, you will see a pattern. You will see order. The Universe is not chaotic. It is chaortic. What I really mean by ‘why life is set up to fail you’ is something I call the great betrayal, or the big betrayal. I talk about it in my Awakened Wealth work. It’s best to tell you by means of a story… The basic story is how years ago when I was first on a spiritual path, and I had pulled out of society for the most part to go on this inward journey. I was doing all of the right things. I was doing so much deep inner work, and there was a lot of great benefits for it, a level of peace and joy and creativity that was emerging. At the same tim