

How do you manifest more money or anything? First it's important to understand the true nature of manifestation. Manifesting, from the Emergence model – from the truth principle, is not about making something happen or appear that does not yet exist. To make something manifest to is to make that which is already happening, (but is invisible, intangible, or inaudible) tangible, audible – manifest. I like to use the analogy of the radio station to help explain this… Your favorite music is playing right now on some station, but it’s not manifest until you tune your dial into the frequency where that music is broadcasting. When your dial matches the dial where the station is and where the broadcast is happening, that music becomes manifest. You didn’t make it happen. You made it welcome. It wasn’t in the future. It wasn’t in the distance. The music was broadcasting right where you are, but you needed to come into vibrational alignment or attunement with it. The minute that alignment happened, that station became