

Today’s topic comes from this fundamental idea that, God, as we’ve been conditioned to know it (whether you believe in a God or not) is a power outside of us. We are unpacking these ideas, busting these myths, and letting go of old limited archaic concepts of God, life, and power, in order to come to a deeper and truer understanding of life principles. What I really want you to get is the fundamental understanding that life is not personal, it’s principle. The nature of God is an isness. God is a principle and a presence. It’s not something that’s changing or something that evolves. On some level, this has entered into our culture and conditioning, into the way we see ourselves, life, and the way we see the universe (Again, whether you believe in a God or you believe in a universal power, universal laws, or you believe in good luck.) All of that is a part of this fundamental concept of our belief in God. Your belief or your concept of what God is absolutely has a major impact on how you experience life, how y