Emergence: A Revolutionary Path For Radical Life Change - With Derek Rydall | Spiritual | Productivity | Self-help | Happines

Why Do Good Things Happen to Bad People (And Why to Bad Things Happen to Good People)?



  Why Do Good Things Happen to Bad People (And Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People)? This is an age-old question, and it's answered in my latest podcast. It can be a crisis of faith when we start to look out and see what we might call ‘negative’, ‘destructive’, or ‘greedy’ types of people, and we wonder why they have so much more abundance than really ‘decent’, ‘good-hearted’ people. Or why are these decent, good-hearted people getting sick, and these somewhat greedy, materialist people are just doing great and flying around in their jets? There are some key distinctions to understand here. The first one is that what the law of life operates upon is consciousness, principle. What appears to be a good person and a good personality, in and of itself, is not what the law of life is operating upon. Here’s a great way to look at it. If you don’t understand the laws of conductivity, electrical principles, and you just take some live wires and grab hold of them, or you touch the wrong wires together, and they bl